Julie Hiramine
Julie Hiramine is a mom, author, founder and executive director of Generations of Virtue. As an internationally noted speaker and author, she has ministered around the world to thousands of parents, teens, and young people. Julie believes the key to turning the tide of culture is to guide parents to empower their children to be equipped in areas that culture challenges them.
Julie earned dual bachelors’ degrees in non profit business management and sociology from Pepperdine University. After college, Julie dove into gaining practical experience in youth ministry through the YMCA and pastoral ministry by church planting with her husband, Kay. They spent time traveling and ministering together during the first several years of marriage, solidifying a love for international ministry and a heart for the nations. These experiences cultivated a further desire to equip parents as they navigate the challenges culture passes on to their children.
Julie and Kay have been commissioned to live out James 1:27, which says “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” Kay and Julie seek to equip the church around the world to live out this calling of holiness. Julie loves working with parents and young people of every age, but has never lost her love from her YMCA days of coming alongside tweens in that special time of life.
Julie and her husband Kay have 5 children and live in the Colorado Rockies when they are not traveling around the world.